Start the morning with a rose! This breakfast is so simple to make and will make you have a smile on your face for the rest of the day. Delicious and tasty, with a beautiful avocado rose. (Tomato garlic butter sauce by Pinch of Yum).
-1 butter croissant
-1 ripe avocado
-2 large eggs
-2 tbsp butter
-handful grated mozzarella
For the sauce:
-2 cups cherry tomatoes
-1 tbsp olive oil
-2 cloves garlic, minced
-2 tbsp balsamic vinegar
-1 tbsp butter
-salt to taste
1. Place the tomatoes in a pan over a medium high heat, don't put oil. Once the tomatoes get a little colour and become soft, turn the heat down and add the olive oil and garlic. With the back of a spoon, press down on the tomatoes to release their juices. Add the balsamic vinegar and let the mixture reduce until thickened, 5-10 minutes. Lastly, add a knob of butter and season with salt.
2. Cut the croissant in half and place on a tray. Put it under the grill just for a few minutes, if that, until its golden in colour. Set aside on a plate.
3. On a chopping board, cut the avocado in half and peel the skin off. With a sharp knife, cut the avocado into thin slices. Arrange the slices into a line like a snake. Start to curl the end and continue curling towards the center. The rose is optional, you can always just leave them as slices or smash them with a fork to get smashed avocado.
4. Start the cheesy scrambled egg. In a pan, add butter. Crack the eggs into the pan and stir a little. Next add the mozzarella and continue to stir until scrambled.
5. Plate everything up, season with salt and done. ENJOY!!! XX